Friday, February 10, 2012

Photograph Manifestation

Noticing the barn out in the distance
written lyrics to a sentence, as I witness
a repetitious repetition,
that we all fail to mention.
It's grace, how it has the best intentions
We forget the admiration
The Photograph Manifestation

I stop and take a picture
The musings of a mentor
as the solitude never simmers
somberish street lights glimmer
behind the lens of existence
The Photograph Manifestation

Rather it be photography for beginners
learnin from the master like Leonardo from Splinter
hardwork and dedication all through the winter
and when all else fails, just take another picture
When in doubt, allow no hesitation
The Photograph Manifestation

They say a photo shows a thousand words
like a mother feeding worms, to its baby birds
learn to realize the camber, to capture the red furn
and earn another turn to burn all the yearns
Dispel all creedance of temptation
The Photograph Manifestation

How about the beauty of the ocean
as it flows along the shore with perpetual motion
resulting in the notion that the deepest devotion
is permiable to an explosion of countless love potion
opening up all sense of emotion,
a premonition of the stunning corrosion
Disertation of the life of a Crustacean
These are just...
The Photograph Manifestation


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